We are NOT an agency.

TV Isn’t Going Anywhere, It’s Going Everywhere
MDG has reinvented how media is planned, purchased and monetized. Leveraging our proprietary SmartMedia Stack, we are able to activate audiences across digital and television through one unified platform. This platform was designed and developed to solve the largest challenges brands face today – addressing, engaging, and converting audiences into life-long customers.
Traditional Television
Unmatched experience
Cost efficient purchasing
Audience recognition
Measurable brand awareness
Dynamic Media planning
Optimize & inform strategy
Understand the total impact
Enhance performance
A New Level of Value
Seasoned. Experienced. Determined.
We don’t play games. Our cards are face up on the table.
The Smart Media Stack. One Platform for both online and offline media
Go beyond basic age and gender with our curated and proprietary audiences.
Click on a case study below to view some cool stuff we’ve done.